Contact Us

Help us achieve our goals. Any donation amount is appreciated.

Suggested amounts and what they support:

Provide a full college scholarship for an underprivileged student to attend college in Nigeria - $2,000/school year

Provide materials and equipment to construct a water well to a village in Nigeria- $1,000/well

Any donation is welcomed. Think about it for a moment- instead of going to lunch today, donate $10. Skip your morning coffee and donut or breakfast sandwich and contribute $5. Turn that rebate you received for a recent purchase into a donation. There are countless way to help and if each person gives a little, it means a lot.

Thank you for actually clicking on this page and considering your gift.

For general questions, p
lease send an e-mail to

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Make your contribution to the THANK YOU PROJECT through our secure PayPal account COMING SOON!!
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